Ethical Engineering
A Practical Guide with Case StudiesEthical Engineering: A Practical Guide with Case Studies provides detailed and practical guidance in making decisions about the many ethical issues practicing engineers may face in their professional lives. It outlines a decision-making procedure and helps engineers construct an ethics toolkit consisting of professional models, a comprehensive set of ethical considerations and factors that help in weighing those considerations, and analyses of particular issues, such as reverse engineering a patented process. Illustrating case studies, both brief and detailed, are provided. Features: ‘ Introduces the nature of ethical decision-making as applied to engineering values and issues. ‘ Helps readers develop a detailed ethics toolkit that identifies options and solutions and allows them to monitor and adjust as necessary. ‘ Features topics such as safety, sustainability, bioethics, diversity and equality, information technology and AI, as well as critical areas often overlooked in engineering texts, such as mentoring, advertising (for consulting firms), engineering sales, and much more. ‘ Includes 85 case studies to illustrate a variety of scenarios. ‘ Offers an international perspective with codes of ethics from around the world, including Saudi Arabia, India, New Zealand, Chile, and Japan. Emphasizing the importance of the moral life and of engineering as an occupation with high ideals, this book helps readers navigate a variety of real-world ethical issues they are likely to face in this increasingly interdisciplinary, global, and diverse profession. ISBN:9781032151120, 1032151129
Ethical Engineering 1st Edition A Practical Guide with Case Studies Ebook (
Eugene Schlossberger
Category: 2023