Lasers and Their Application in the Cooling and Trapping of Atoms (Second Edition)This Second Edition describes the basic design and operation of a variety of types of lasers. It overviews some of the traditional applications of lasers, such as laser printers and laser machining. It also describes an unconventional application of lasers: the cooling and confinement of atoms at very low temperature. Ultracold atoms have a number of possible applications that include study of Bose-Einstein condensates. The book reviews traditional Bose-Einstein condensate experiments, as well as zero-gravity experiments and experiments on quasiparticle condensates. Other applications of ultracold atoms include highly accurate atomic clocks, and their use as a time standard. This research and reference text is aimed at science and engineering professionals as well as upper level undergraduate and graduate physics students. Key Features: Provides an overview of the basic principles of lasers and reviews typology and operation Summarizes the important applications of lasers Covers the basic theory behind Bose-Einstein condensates in an accessible format Summarizes historical and recent results of Bose-Einstein condensate experiments ISBN: 9780750354837, 0750354836
Lasers and Their Application in the Cooling and Trapping of Atoms (Second Edition) 2nd Edition Ebook (
Richard A Dunlap
Category: 2023