E-Commerce 2023: Business, Technology, Society (Pearson+)Pearson+ gives you access to much more than your eTextbook. Most titles also include audiobooks, study notes, flashcards and more to help you thrive in the classroom.For courses in e-commerce. The most up-to-date, comprehensive overview of e-commerce today E-commerce 2023: Business, Technology, and Society is an in-depth introduction to e-commerce with coverage of key concepts and the latest empirical and financial data. Hundreds of examples from companies such as Meta’, TikTok’, Netflix’, YouTube’, Walmart’ and Amazon’ illustrate how e-commerce is altering business practices and changing the global economy. The 17th Edition features all new or updated opening, closing, and ‘Insight on’ cases. Coverage reflects the latest developments in business, technology and society that impact e-commerce, with text, data and tables updated through September 2022. ISBN:9780137922208, 0137922205
E-Commerce 2023: Business, Technology, Society (Pearson+) 17th Edition Ebook (weibook.shop)
Kenneth Laudon;Carol Traver
Category: 2023
Tag: weibook.shop