Excellence in Business Communication (Canadian Edition)This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Excellence in Business Communication has long provided instructors and students with the most current communication strategies and practices used in today’s workplace. This sixth Canadian edition includes up-to-date model documents that reflect the entire spectrum of print and electronic communication media. Students entering today’s workforce are expected to use a wide range of tools, from instant messaging to blogging to podcasting, and Excellence in Business Communication provides the hands-on experience they need to meet employer expectations. ISBN:9780134310824, 0134310829
Excellence in Business Communication (Canadian Edition) 6th Edition Ebook (weibook.shop)
John Thill; Courtland L Bovee; Wendy Keller; K. M. Moran
Category: 2017
Tag: weibook.shop