Learning AngularJSWith AngularJS, you can quickly build client-side applications that run well on any desktop or mobile platform, using REST web services for backend processes. You may have heard that the learning curve for this JavaScript MVC framework is too steep, but that’s not the case. This practical guide provides a hands-on approach to learning AngularJS that will have you building high-quality applications and websites in no time.Along with a conceptual understanding of the framework, you’ll also gain direct experience with AngularJS by building a sample application throughout the book. If you’re familiar with JavaScript, web development, and software design concepts and patterns, this book is the perfect way to get started.Understand how AngularJS differs from other MVC frameworksLearn about AngularJS controllers, views, and models by diving into the book’s sample projectConnect your working application to public REST servicesBuild the application’s security layer with non-REST AngularJS servicesExplore the basics of building and testing AngularJS directivesUse AngularJS as part of the MEAN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js)Discover how search engine optimization relates to AngularJS applications and sites ISBN: 9781491916759, 1491916753
Learning AngularJS 1st Edition Ebook (weibook.shop)
Williamson, Ken
Category: 2015
Tag: weibook.shop