Migraine Biology, Diagnosis, and Co-MorbiditiesMigraine Biology, Diagnosis, and Co-Morbidities, Volume 195 covers a wide range of issues related to migraine. The epidemiology, global and personal impacts of migraine are covered, including topics on the pathophysiology of migraine and migraine aura, the pathophysiology of the associated symptoms of photophobia and phonophobia, and the genetics of migraine. The classification and diagnostic criteria of common and uncommon subtypes of migraine are also explored in detail, including childhood variants. Issues related to the diagnosis and management of vestibular migraine and the co-morbid disorder of persistent postural-perceptual dizziness are also covered. The important comorbidities of migraine such as anxiety, depression and other forms of chronic pain will also be discussed, along with the current state and future directions of migraine research and management.Summarizes research and clinical information on the pathophysiology of migrainesExplores the pathophysiology of aura, photophobia, and phonophobiaDiscusses migraine triggersReviews migraine subtypes and comorbid conditions in migraineExplores the relationship of migraine to chronic pain and cerebrovascular and psychological conditionsConcludes with future directions in migraine research and treatment ISBN: 9780128233566, 0128233567
Migraine Biology, Diagnosis, and Co-Morbidities 1st Edition Ebook (weibook.shop)
Jerry W. Swanson, Manjit Matharu
Category: 2024
Tag: weibook.shop